Failed Cortina WJLXT971ALCA4e3 IC on PCB
Gideon Analytical Laboratories received 20 failed Cortina WJLXT971ALCA4e3 Ethernet ICs to analyze. Integrated Circuits (ICs) are a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or “chip”) of semiconductor material that is normally silicon. The integration of large numbers of tiny transistors into a small chip results in circuits that are orders of magnitude smaller, faster, and less expensive than those constructed of discrete electronic components. These Cortina WJLXT971ALCA4e3 ICs were suspected to be possibly mislabeled or have some kind of manufacturing defects. The goal was to determine why these Cortina WJLXT971ALCA4e3 Ethernet ICs were failing.
We performed a failure analysis on the Cortina WJLXT971ALCA4e3 Ethernet ICs. We decapsulated the IC and examined the pins and fuses using a microscope. Pins 8 and 40 were VCCIO pins. We then electrically tested the devices and set up a data table showing the results for all of the pins and fuses tested. We discovered a number of problems with these integrated circuits. All of the failures involved varying degrees of electrical destruction including blown fuses, cracked passivation, and burnt trace lines. Moreover, it is conceivable that the manufacturer or broker mixed up the part numbers and then put them all in the same labeled package.
When your electrical products start failing and you do not know why, that situation can be frustrating, confusing, or downright scary. But you do not need to worry, because Gideon Analytical Laboratories is here to help. We always have our costumer’s best interest in mind. We objectively analyze any device given to us and can get to the bottom of almost any electrical problem. We support our analysis with evidence gathered from all types of analytical methods. We will give you the plain truth and explain to you exactly what the problem is. Give Gideon Analytical Laboratories a call today.
Suspect die on a working PCB
Golden IC on a fully functional PCB assembly
Cracked passivation and burnt trace lines
First five fuses of pin 8, golden sample
Markers on the LXT971-A die, golden sample
Markings on the die of the working suspect
More cracked passivation and burnt trace lines