Gideon Analytical Laboratories received a Unity PLCC LED and was asked to perform FTIR analysis for the purpose of materials compatibility. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a process used to acquire an infrared spectrum of absorption, emission, or photoconductivity of some substance. It can work with solids, liquids, or gasses, and can reveal the chemical composition of numerous materials. Gideon Analytical Laboratories was asked specifically to utilize FTIR on two substances: a white encapsulate and a clear/colorless material.
The FTIR was performed on both samples. Sample 1 was the white material; it was analyzed at two locations. The spectra revealed absorptions due to a Nylon that matches closely with a spectrum of poly (hexamethylene terephthalamide) (Nylon 6/T), a metal oxide and various amounts of glass. The white material was a thermoplastic type polymer which may show considerable movement as it heats up. It also contained about 4% moisture at 65RH. Sample 2 was the colorless material on the surface at the bottom of the InGa die. The spectra showed absorptions to due to an acrylic with another C-O band at 1080 Cm-1
Gideon Analytical Laboratories not only performed FTIR analysis but evaluated and interpreted results. The two polymers used in this Unity PLCC LED were very different in their thermal performance. This will, in some cases, most certainly cause problems if the temperature is taken up too rapidly causing the water to expel too rapidly. Because one polymer is a thermoset and the other is a thermoplastic, the seal may be compromised as the temperature fluctuates.
Gideon Analytical Laboratories offers a wide variety of analytical services to the electronics industry. Whether you are in need of radiography, SEM-EDS, Ion Chromatography, or FTIR, Gideon Analytical Laboratories has the knowledge, experience, and equipment to get the job done. For over two decades, Gideon Analytical Laboratories has been providing analytical results that you can trust.
Colorless material spectra 2
Colorless material spectra 1
White material spectra 1
White material spectra 2