Gideon Analytical Laboratories received one IXYSRF DE375-501N21A MOSFET for electronic failure analysis. A MOSFET is a type of field-effect transistor (FET). It has an insulated gate, whose voltage determines the conductivity of the device. This ability to change conductivity with the amount of applied voltage can be used for amplifying or switching electronic signals. The IXYSRF DE375-601N21A MOSFET has high dv/dt, nanosecond switching, and 50 MHz maximum frequency. The IXYSRF DE375-601N21A MOSFET sent to Gideon Analytical Laboratories had a g-s short. The goal was to determine the cause of the failure.
Failure analysis ensued. The gate to source short was confirmed with a 232-ohm measurement. The short remained after decapsulation. The gate metallurgy surrounded the die perimeter and down the middle. The failure site is located in the gate metallurgy area. At the failure was site was carbonized epoxy, which did not come off during the encapsulation process. This usually happens during an ESD or EOS event. The epoxy was mechanically removed. The gate metal had metal has melted in spots and dissipated in others. The event had deformed the glass and metal under the failure site. Gideon Analytical Laboratories concluded that this was most likely a spike in voltage on the gate.
Another problem presented, another problem solved. When it comes to electronic failure analysis, no one does it better. That is our opinion, but it is the opinion one of the finest analytical laboratories in the country. Gideon Analytical Laboratories has the expertise, the experience, and the analytical equipment to get the job done. We have solved hundred and hundreds of problems over the past few decades. We have helped companies all over the world, from California to Mexico, from Japan to Bangladesh. If you are in the electronics business and you have a product that is not functioning correctly, give Gideon Analytical Laboratories a call today.
Backside of PCB G-S short confirmed
Die after decapsulation
Carbonized epoxy
Failure site after epoxy mechanically removed
Higher magnification revealing deformed glass and metal