Gideon Analytical Laboratories received one failed Texas Instruments quad dual input 14-pin hermetic dual-in-line ceramic JM38510/05001BCA NAND gate for electrical component failure analysis. A NAND gate is a logic gate which produces an output that is false only if all its inputs are true; thus its output is a complement to that of the AND gate. A low (0) output results only if both the inputs to the gate are high (1); if one or both inputs are low (0), a high (1) output results. It is made using transistors. NAND gates are not the only type of gates that are created using NAND logic; there are all kinds of gates, including NOT, AND, OR, NOR, XOR, and XNOR gates. NAND gates are used in a variety of practical applications, like home security alarms, safety thermostats, push button locks, to name a few. The failed Texas Instruments quad dual input 14-pin hermetic dual-in-line ceramic JM38510/05001BCA NAND had reported intermittent behavior. The goal was to perform electronic failure analysis on this component and determine the cause of failure.
Component failure analysis of the JM38510/05001BCA NAND gate. The hermetic showed no mechanical damage to the fritted glass seal. The NAND may have appeared intermittent because only one transistor (the same one) was switched on (the other two are off) during three out of four possible conditions. During the high input, the good transistor was switched off and two other two are on. This implied something was wrong with one or both of these transistors. The failed die had two spots where it was damaged. The area saw excessive heat, which occurred concurrently with the surge or spike on the other NAND gates. Excessive surge coming from the Vss shorted out the exit transistors.
Gideon Analytical Laboratories has decades of experience in electronic failure analysis. We want to make sure that companies in the electronics industry know their devices are reliable and made with quality. Whether it is is semiconductors, power supplies, or capacitors, we get the job done. Whether there are problems with design, production, or application, we solve problems. Electronic failures and be solved, and Gideon Analytical Laboratories is the place to solve them.
JM38510 0500 1BCA NAND Gate
hermetic no mechanical damage
failed die, arrows point to damaged spots
failed area
disruption in passivation
area saw excessive heat
Die layout of good device